Trauma, the Body and Somatic Therapy
A helpful list of things to do if you are feeling high levels of anxiety Jeff's 'what I find helps'.pdf
In this Ted Talk Amy Cuddy explains how your posture affects your hormones and emotional state 21:02 mins
Ted Talk by Amy Cuddy: Your body language may shape who you are
An introduction the Comprehensive Resource model by Lisa Schwarz
A good introduction to how trauma affects the body and mind by Peter Levine 27:33 mins
Peter Levine: Natures lessons in healing trauma
Pat Ogden discusses Sensorimotor Psychotherapy 34:36 mins
Interview with Pat Ogden originator of Sensorimotor Psychotherapy
A Ted Talk by Nadine Burke Harris on childhood trauma and the ACE Study 15:59 mins
Nadine Burke Harris: How childhood trauma across a lifetime
An article from Personnel Today on the benefits of Mindfulness in the workplace
A report from the Institute for Employment Studies on Mindfulness in organisations
A 'must watch' Ted Talk by Brene Brown 21:13 mins
Ted Talk by Brene Brown : The power of vulnerability